Installing Parallels Tools on Kail:

Now that Parallels have updated their Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac (Build 8.0.18483) software to support the Linux 3.7 Kernel here’s how you can install Parallels Tools on the latest Kali operating system.

  • Power on your Kali VM and login as root
  • Select Virtual Machine > Install Parallels Tools from the Parallels menu bar once logged in


  • Open up a Terminal window in Kali and run the following commands
    • cd /media/cdrom0
    • cp -r install installer/ kmods/ tools/ version /tmp
    • cd /tmp
    • ./install


  • Follow the Parallels Tools installation using the on-screen GUI installer


HTH, enjoy using your Kali VM with Parallels Tools installed.

Installing Kali in Parallels Desktop 7:

If like me you have tried installing the Kali operating system ( on your Mac using Parallels Desktop 7, then you may have had some issues during the initial boot up after the installation has completed like the “Bug: soft lockup” issue shown below.


The solution to this is to disable the “Show Battery in Linux” setting under the virtual machines configuration settings.

Configure… > Options > Optimization > Setting highlighted red in screenshot below


HTH, enjoy playing with Kali on Parallels!